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Dr. G.L. Datta
Former Vice-Chancellor 2009-2012
Dr. R. Sreehari Rao
Former Vice-Chancellor 2012-2014
Dr. L.S.S. Reddy
Vice Chancellor 2014-till his sad demise in April-2021.Dr. G.L. Datta

Former Vice-Chancellor 2009-2012
Dr. G.L. Datta received education for B.Tech, M.Tech and Ph.D degrees at IIT Kharagpur, the Premier Technological Institute in the Country. He has been serving the alma mater for close to four decades as a distinguished Teacher, renowned Researcher and able Administrator.
He has handled a large number of projects sponsored by the Govt of India and Private organizations in the fields of welding and foundry.
His research contributions (which are more than 200) have appeared in several peer reviewed Indian and International journals and conference proceedings. He has guided a large number of Ph.D and Master Degree theses. In recognition of his contributions, he has been honored with a number of awards such as the "The Corps of Engineers Prize:1994-95" by the Institution of Engineers (India) for his contribution on Cast Iron Welding, the "Anna University National Award for Outstanding Academic of the Year 1998" by the Indian Society for Technical Education In recognition of his contribution in teaching-learning process and research attainment, "Sir L P Misra Memorial Award for the year 1999" by the Indian Institute of Welding, in appreciation of the research contribution made by Dr. Datta in the field of Welding Technology. Dr. Datta is also the recipient of the prestigious "Professor B. Karunesh Memorial Lecture" delivered at the 44th Congress of the Indian Society for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. More recently, he was awarded the prestigious 'IIF Fellowship' in recognition of his contribution made to the Institute of Indian Foundrymen and the Foundry Industry. On four occasions, he was selected by the Institute of Indian Foundrymen to present Official Exchange Papers from India at different World Foundry Congresses such as Prague (Czechoslovakia), Geyongju (South Korea) and Istanbul (Turkey). He was chosen to be a Member of a World Bank funded visit to Bangladesh. He has held several administrative positions at his parent Institute including that of Dean, Chairman of a Dept, and so on, and responsible positions in many Professional Societies including the Indian Institute of Welding, Institute of Indian Foundrymen, The Institution of Engineers (India), Indian Society for Technical Education, Investment Casting Society, etc.
Professor Datta is a Fellow of several Professional Societies and has traveled widely all over the world.
1. "The Corps of Engineers Prize: 1994-95" awarded by the Institution of Engineers (India) for the meritorious contribution made on Cast Iron Welding
2. "Anna University National Award for the Outstanding Academic of the Year 1998" awarded by the Indian Society for Technical Education in recognition of his contribution in teaching and learning process, continuing education and research attainment.
3. "Sir L P Misra Memorial Award for the year 1999" awarded by the Indian Institute of Welding in appreciation of the research contribution made in the field of Welding Technology.
4. "Professor B. Karunesh Memorial Lecture" delivered at the 44th Congress of the Indian Society for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.
5. "IIF Fellowship" in recognition of meritorious contribution made to the Institute of Indian Foundrymen and the Foundry Industry.
6. "Best Paper Award for 1990-91" of the Institution of Engineers (India)
7. "Best Paper Award" among the papers presented at the Seminar on 'Emerging Trends in Welding Technology' organized by the IIW Delhi Branch, 1998
Events attended by the Vice Chancellor during last 3 Months
1. Chief Guest of valedictory ceremony of National Conference on "Condition Monitoring", organized by Naval Science & Technological Laboratory, Visakhapatnam on 5th Dec 09.
2. Delivered a key note address on "A Roadmap towards reducing cost of welding at a workshop" organized by Indian Institute of Welding, Vizag branch, 13-14th Nov 2009.
3. Delivered a lecture on "Globalization & its impact on Higher Education" at UGC-AIU Conference held at JNTU – Hyderabad during 3-5th Oct, 2009.
4. Chief Guest of the Convocation ceremony of Indian Institute of Welding for award of AMIIW Certificates held at Kolkata on 13th Dec 09.
5. Attended a felicitation meet organized by Energy Saving Commission of World Foundry Organization held at Faridabad; as the secretary of Metal casting Commission & Member of Energy saving Commission held on 24th Nov 2009.
- Secretary of International Commission of World Foundry Organization (No. 6.0) on Solid State Treatment of Cast Irons ('05 - ).
- Organising Chairman, 16th Indian Engineering Congress, The Institution of Engineers (India), IIT Kharagpur, Dec 1-4, 2001.
- National Vice-President, Indian Institute of Welding (1996-97)
- Chairman, Welding Educational Sub-Committee, IIW (1992-97 & 2001 - 02 )
- Chairman, Technical Committee (July 1997), National Welding Meet, IIW, Calcutta
- Chairman (1999), Technical Committee, 6th Asian Foundry Congress and 47th Indian Foundry Congress, The Institute of Indian Foundrymen
- Chairman (1997 – Continuing), Centre for Education and Training, The Institute of Indian Foundrymen
- Vice President ('06 - ), Investment Casting Society
- Vice-Chairman (1995-96) and Chairman (1996-99), Calcutta Chapter, The Institute of Indian Foundrymen
- Vice-Chairman (1999-2001) and Chairman (2001-02), Eastern Region, The Institute of Indian Foundrymen.
- Member (1999-2001), National Council, The Institute of Indian Foundrymen
- Chairman (1995-96 & '06 - ), West Bengal Section, The Indian Society for Technical Education
- Chairman (1995-97), IIT Kharagpur Chapter, The Indian Society for Technical Education
- Member (1997-99), National Executive Council, The Indian Society for Technical Education
- Hony Secretary (1984-88) and Chairman (1990-92), Kharagpur Local Centre, The Institution of Engineers (India)
- Member, High Power Review Committee for NIFFT Ranchi constituted by the MHRD.
- Member, Expert Team from India for visiting Bangladesh at the invitation of SEDF of the World Bank Group.
- Member, West Bengal Council for Technical Education (1996- '02)
- Member, PG Board of Studies, Regional Engineering College, Durgapur (1994-'96)
- Member, PG Board of Studies (1996-98) and Academic Committee (2000- '05), University College of Engineering, Burla, Orissa
- Member (1994-96), Board of School of Engineering and Technology, Indira Gandhi National Open University
- Member, Board of Academic Advisory Council, IEC College of Engg & Tech, Greater Noida, UP
- Member (1994-96), Advisory Committee, Eastern Regional Branch, Small Industries Development of India (SIDBI)
- Member (2001 - 2002) and Chairman (2003-2006) NBA Expert Team, AICTE
- Vice-Chair (Maths & Sc) (2002-03), SAE International , Eastern India Section.
- Member, NDT Sectional Committee, BIS (1988 – 90)
- Member, Project Review Committee, DST
- Chairman, Technology Coop Poultry Ltd (1988 – 90)
- Member, Faculty Selection Committee, IGOU, Delhi
- Member, Faculty Selection Committee, REC, Silchar
- Member, Faculty Selection Committee, BHU, Varanasi
- Member, Faculty Selection Committee, JU, Kolkata
- Member, Faculty Selection Committee, Biju Pattanaik University for Technology, Orissa
- Member, Faculty Selection Committee, Saroj Mohan Institute of Technology, Gupti Para, Hooghly, West Bengal
- Member, Faculty Selection Committee, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Sibpur, Kolkata
- Member, Faculty Selection Committee, OUAT, Bhubaneswar
- Member, Faculty Selection Committee, IGIT, Sarang
- Member, Faculty Selection Committee, NERIST, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh
- Speaker for State-of-Art Lecture, Seminar onganised by DST
- Chief Guest at a Seminar, organized by OUAT, Bhubaneswar
- Key-Note Speaker at a Seminar organized by IGIT, Sarang
- Key-Note Speaker at a Seminar organized by MIT, Bishnupur
- Chief Guest, Conference on Advances and Trends in Manufacturing, Govt Engg College, Kalyani
- Key Note Speaker, Seminar on NDT at G B Pant University, Pantnagar
- Referee, Journal of Material Processing Technology, Elsivier Publication, Ireland
- Reviewer, J of Material Science, CSIR publicatuion
- Reviewer, J of Institution of Engineers
- Reviewer, International Journal of Production Research, UK
- Member, Editorial Board, Indian Foundry Journal
- Referee (Project Proposal), International Copper Association and the University of Chile
- Judge for Research Award, Indian Institute of Welding
- Reviewer, 21st AIMTDR Conference Papers, Vellore Institute of Technology
- Session Chairman, Technical Sessions in various conferences, seminars
- Ph D Thesis Examiner: IIT Chennai, IIT Mumbai, IIT Delhi, IIT Roorkee, BHU, Jadavpur University, Bhagalpur University, JNTU, etc
- Chairman of AICTE appointed NBA Teams for accreditation visit to a large number of institutions
- Chairman of UGC appointed Teams for visiting institutions for according autonomy status
Member of UGC appointed Teams for visiting institutions for granting Deemed to be University status.
Dr. R. Sreehari Rao

Vice Chancellor (2012-14) Chancellor (2014-15)
Dr. R. Sreehari Rao assumed charge as Vice Chancellor, K L University with effect from 25th July 2012 after successful career in DRDO as Chief Controller, Research & Development of Electronics & Computer Science laboratories.
Dr R. Sreehari Rao obtained his B.E (Electronics and Communication Engineering) from College of Engineering, Kakinada in 1972, M.Tech (Microwave & Radar Engineering) from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur in 1974 and Ph.D. from IIT, Madras in 1995.
Dr. Rao joined Defence Electronics Research laboratory as Senior Scientific Officer in 1974. He made significant contributions to indigenous development of 'Electronics Warfare Antennas, Microwave Super Components, Advanced Direction Finding Systems and Electronic Warfare Systems' for different types of platforms.
Dr. Rao became Director of DLRL in October 2005 and steered three major Electronic Warfare programmes namely Samyukta, Sangraha and Divya Drishti for successful completion and induction into the services. He has also prepared a EW road map for total indigenous development of EW systems and launched programmes for critical technology developments.
Dr. Rao was promoted as 'Outstanding Scientist' in 2008. He was awarded 'DRDO Scientist of the year' for the year 2006 towards contributions made by him for indigenous development of EW systems.
Dr. Rao was promoted as Chief Controller of Electronics and Computer Sciences in October 2008 and moved over to DRDO Hqrs., New Delhi.
Dr. Rao launched major technology development programs like Active Electronic Scanned Arrays, MEMS, C4I Systems, Network Centric Warfare Systems, Software Defined Radios, Data Links, High Power Laser Systems, Thermal Imagers and Cryptographic Systems.
Dr. Rao had rich experience of research and development in Defence Electronics spanning over 4 decades. He steered a number of committees at National and International level on policy making and project formulations. He chaired a number of sessions in National and International conferences and delivered key note addresses. He had a number of publications in National and International journals. He is a fellow of IETE, ASCI and a member of Board of Studies of leading educational institutions.
Dr. L.S.S. Reddy

Vice Chancellor 2014-till his sad demise in April-2021.
Dr. L.S.S. Reddy is an outstanding administrator, a prolific researcher and a forward looking educationist. Dr. L.S.S. Reddy is an eminent Professor in Computer Science and Engineering Department holding Ph.D in Computer Science Engineering from BITS Pilani. Dr. Reddy is an outstanding administrator, a prolific researcher and a forward looking educationist. Dr. Reddy has over 30 years of experience in Teaching, Research and Administration at prestigious institutes like BITS Pilani, CBIT etc. Dr.L.S.S.Reddy had joined Koneru Lakshmaiah College of Engineering in December 1995 and proved his administrative excellence as a Head of Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Dr. Reddy was instrumental and a driving force as Principal (2002-2009) in promoting KLCE as one of leading Institutions in India. KLCE has achieved remarkable growth on all fronts of higher education under the leadership of Dr. L.S.S. Reddy. In his tenure as Principal of the KLCE, the College got accreditation of all its six eligible UG programs by NBA of AICTE in 2004. Again in the year 2007, KLCE went for Re-accreditation by NBA and this time six of its UG programs got accredited each for five years and the remaining three programs each for three years. It was thus a record achievement. In the year 2006, KLCE was awarded autonomous status by University Grants Commission. His tenure led to an overall excellence in academic, research, infrastructure and systemic development of KLCE. KLCE stood as highest ranked Engineering Institute in India to receive 'A' Grade with CGPA of 3.76 / 4.00 from NAAC in 2007. His contribution as a Principal of KLCE was very widely recognized and appreciated in converting an Autonomous college into a Deemed to be University u/s 3 of UGC Act 1956 in 2009 and thus KLEF (Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation University) came into existence. Dr.L.S.S. Reddy has exceptional research credentials. Five research papers were submitted to the research board of BITS Pilani as a part of requirement for Ph. D degree. He had more than 110 Publications in reputed International Journals and several paper presentations in International Conferences. 19 of his Research Scholars were awarded Ph.D under his guidance from various Universities. Presently 4 scholars submitted their thesis and 8 Research scholars are working under his guidance for Ph.D in various Universities. His Research interest areas are Parallel Processing, Software Engineering and Cloud Computing.
Fellowship of Academic bodies and Professional Societies:
- Fellow, IE
- Fellow, IETE
Membership of Scientific and Professional Societies:
- Senior Member, IEEE ( Computer Society, USA)
- Senior Life Member, Computer Society of India (CSI)
- Life Member, ISTE
- Member, ACM
- Member, ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education)