Fees can be paid by in the following mode
Student can make the online bank transfer from their home country through wire transfer, to the below mentioned account number
Beneficiary Details
Name of the Account Holder - K L University
Account Number - 62392518229
Bank Name - State Bank of India
Bank Address - KL University, Vaddeswaram (V), Guntur (D) Andhra Pradesh, India
Swift Code - SBININBB181
IFSC Code - SBIN0021361
After transferring the Fee amount in University Account, please send the scanned copy of transaction receipt issued by Bankerand Remitter’s details (Mandatory) in below mentioned format to XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX@kluniversity.infor accounting purposes.
- In case any Processing fee or other charges are levied by the bank/agency for the completion of transaction at the source/intermediate side then those charges will have to be borne by the student.
- The University will credit only the amount that the University has credited in its accounts. Student, in their own interest, should retain the proof of the payment transfer with them and they may have to produce the proof while joining the University Information related to Fees.
- All the Students other than SAARC Countries have to pay their fees in US Dollars only. All the Students from SAARC Countries can pay their fees in INDIAN Rupees.
- All international applicants have to pay the at least one semester. Fee for the successive semester(s) fee will be payable at the time of Academic Registration i.e. July/August and November/December.
- The fees mentioned in the offer letter/acceptance letter may not be error free thus for the most updated information please visit the university website or please contact the On& ODL Office of the university at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX@kluniversity.in