
COE-KLEF strives to position itself as a leading institution of higher education in the delivery of high-quality world-class online degree programs that serve the evolving needs of diverse learners.


COE-KLEF aims to become a premier avenue for electronically delivered courses and degree programs which foster an inviting institutional climate that promotes excellence in teaching and learning with technology collegiality, collaboration which inspires community engagement, and inclusive learning environments using evolving technologies to meet the emerging needs of employability and industry.

Core Values

Learner Centric
Quality & Innovation
Collaborative partnerships
Accountability & Transparency
Continuous improvement
Employability & Leadership

Goals and Objectives

The Major goals and objectives of COE-KLEF are to:

  • Focus on the individual success of each student and to meet educational needsof the students.
  • Endow with students access to advanced learning and specialized courses, which may not be offered at their primary education in order to promote educational equality.
  • Provide an alternative to students who may not be able to complete their school education without access to flexible options.
  • Offer flexible credit recovery courses for students as directed by NEP.
  • Provide students with a 21st century education to make them competitive in the workforce after their high school graduation or in their pursuit of a degree from a higher education institution.