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Er.Koneru Satyanarayana, Chancellor

Sri. Koneru Satyanarana B.E (Electronics Engineering) from BMS Engg. College, Bangalore, is a Philanthropist and Educational Entrepreneur since 1980, having 40 years of experience in educational institutional management and leadership.
Er.Koneru Lakshman Havish,Vice President

Er.Koneru Lakshman Havish BS (Industrial Engg.) from Purdue, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist and Film Actor/ Producer- South Indian Film Industry.
Er.Koneru Raja Hareen,Vice President

Er.Koneru Raja Hareen BS and MS (USA)- Bio technology, Entrepreneur and Philanthropist .
Dr K.S.Jagannatha Rao, Pro Chancellor

Prof. K.S. Jagannatha Rao was one of the leading scientists in neuroscience research in globe
He was the Director on Institute for Scientific Research and Technological Advances (INDICASAT AIP), Republic Panama and contributed lot in building innovation in higher education and research in Panama since 2010.
played a key role in building PRISM (Panamanian Research Institutes of Science and Medicine) in Latin America and established 7 Centres in this institute, The Institute attracted funds from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, NIH, UK Grants, MRC-UK, ICGEB, NSF, Alzheimer’s Foundation etc.
Dr. Rao has his research area on Brain Research and established Alzheimer’s Centre and published 165 papers in leading Biochemistry and Neuroscience Journals,supervised 19 Ph.D students.
Dr. Rao is also adjunct faculty of Biomedical Informatics of UTHS, Houston, and Advisory Board Member of UT- El Paso Minority Health NIH program, USA and Adjunct Faculty, Methodist Research Institute, Houston, USA.
Dr. Rao was elected Member of Panamanian Association for the Advancement of Science (APANAC)- Considered as National Science Academy of Panama ; Fellow of National Academy of Sciences (NASI)- India, 2006; Fellow of Royal Society of Biology (UK) 2016; Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) 2016, Foreign Fellow of Andhra Pradesh Academy of Sciences (India) 2016; Fellow of Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy (India) 2008,fellow of world academy of sciences (FTWAS)2018
born in India received his undergraduate and Ph.D degrees from Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati. Later Dr. Rao joined in 1987 Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore,
Dr. Rao is instrumental in establishing Biomedical Research facility and the first Depression Brain Bank in JagadguruShivaratheswaraSwamiji medical college, Mysore, India.,
Dr. Rao is on the editorial Board of 25 journals. Dr. Rao got national and international recognitions for the work done in India.
Received Sir C.V. Raman Award by Karnataka State Council of Science and Technology, 2003;
Invited member for task force on Al in water and human health, Canada, 1998; DBT Overseas Associate ship awardee, 1996;
Advisory Board Member of Jai Research
IBRO- France awardee
scientific ambassador to cancer research ,china 2019
Dr.G.Pardha Saradhi Varma , Vice Chancellor

Prof. G P S Varma, Vice-Chancellor, KLEF, is one of the most widely experienced leaders in Indian higher education, known for his commitment to expanding student opportunity, catalyzing academic innovation, and encouraging university’s civic engagement and service to society. He adorned the position of Chairman, ISTE (Indian Society for Technical Education)- AP State, TSEMCET Test Committee Member-2021 nominated By Telangana State Govt, APEAMCET Admission Committee Member in 2016 by Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh.He has been a very farsighted Peer Team Visit Member for National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC),Expert Committee Member for University Grants Commission (UGC) Autonomous Visits.Hehas beenanAdvisory Council Member for (CEGR) Centre for Education Growth, and Research India International Centre, New Delhi, and Board Member for Big-Data Analytics Forum.
Prof. G P S Varma’s former positions of significance include Pro Vice Chancellor, the CEO of Centre for Innovation Incubation Entrepreneurship (CIIE), Former Director University Development, and Former CEO-TBI &CIIEatKL University. He has assumed the position of Principal both at CBIT, Hyderabad and SRKR College of Engineering, Bhimavaram fostering the institutes’ image constantly towards a fission like effect of sophistication and innovation.In the capacity ofBoard Member of IUCEE (Indo US Collaboration for Engineering Education), Board Member of GEDC(Global Engineering Deans Council), Membership Chair of ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education) Indian Chapter, Executive Body Member for Andhra Pradesh Private Engineering Colleges Managements Association(APPECMA) and Former Board Member for Storage Area Networks Industrial Association,the visionary professor advanced the unrelenting commitment to excellence in teaching, research, and public service and fostered significant collaborations across the globe.He has received Top 100 Educators 2015 award by International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England. He has been honoured with 2000 outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century medal by International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England.Received Best Researcher Award from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada (JNTUK), Kakinada in 2018.Best Teacher Award by AdikaviNannaya University for the year 2015-16 for outstanding achievement in Education. Teacher’s Excellence Award 2015 by Confederation of Education Excellence (CEE) New Delhi, Shiksha Gaurav Puraskar 2015 by (CEGR) Centre for Education Growth and Research India International Centre, New Delhi and Indira Gandhi National Award.Umpteen strategic society related activities initiated by him have been documented in Limca Book of Records three times, Wonder Book of Records, Unique World Records and Telugu Book of Records. He is one of the Resource Persons for “LAKSHYAM” Program in ETV Andhra Pradesh/ETV2 on Technical Education.During his pristine career, he held visiting delegations at universities in Israel, USA, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Poland, Austria, Dubai, and China to submit a report on how to enhance the quality of education as per the Indian senario.Few such precious ultra-professional and academic envoys have been listed here.
- Israel as a Delegate of the India-Israel Space-Tech Leadership Programme in the year 2019 for Competency Building Program to develop student build satellites.
- Germany as a Delegate of the First Academic Leaders Delegation in the year 2018 focusing on bilateral funding cooperation research and education activities by European Centre for Mechatronics and Indo-Euro Synchronization in cooperation with APSSDC, APEDB, Govt. of A.P.
- American Universities as a Delegate of the Indian Higher Education Knowledge Delegation to the United States of America in the year 2018, organized by Global Knowledge Research Foundation, National Education Partner AICTE and supported by US Commercial Service, Dept. of Commerce, Govt. of USA.
- Attended EPICS in IEEE Educational Collaboration with India Meeting and signed MOU with EPICS PURDUE & EPICS in IEEE at New Jersey, USA in the year 2018.
- Visited the European universities in the year 2017 and made collaborations with the following universities:
- Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland in the year 2017.
- UIT The Arctic University, Norway in the year 2017.
- Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland in the year 2017.
- University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Austria in the year 2017.
Dr. N. Venkatram, Pro-Vice Chancellor Administration

Dr. Venkatram Nidumolu, Pro-Vice Chancellor is High performing, strategic thinking professional with more than 15years of administration experience and 20 years of teaching experience in KLEFand 30 years overallexperience in the higher education sector.
He graduated in B.Tech (ECE) from Acharya Nagarjuna University, pursued M.S degree from BITS, PILANI in software Systems. He received Ph.D award from Acharya Nagarjuna University. He held the positions like HOD, Joint Register, Principal, and Dean-Academics before becoming Pro-Vice Chancellor. He was core member of all NBA, NAAC, & other accreditations since 2004 and he has good experience in handling of quality issues and assessment related practices.
He is highly skilled at harmonious relationship building with management, faculty and stakeholdersof the University with great satisfaction.He was a member ofBoard of Management, Academic Council, Planning and Monitoring Board, Finance Committee, University Research Board and other important bodies in the institution.
He had published 50+ research articles in SCI and SCOPUS indexed journals, with high citation index. He organised and attended 50+Conferences/Workshops. He served as a Secretory (Vijayawada) section of IETE
Dr K. Subbarao, Incharge Registrar

Dr K.SubbaRao, Professor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, is currently functioning as Registrar I/C – KLEF. He has 33 years of academic and administrative experience in Koneru Lakshmaiah College of Engineering (KLCE) and the present KLEF. He worked in various administrative positions which includes Head of the department (EEE), Principal (College of Engineering), Dean (Administration) and Director ( IQAC) in KLCE and KLEF.
He did B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, M.Tech in Applied Electronics and Ph.D in Embedded Systems related to Security. He published number of papers in reputed journals. He received “ Best Teacher award ” many times in his long career in KLCE and KLEF . He is very strong in establishing systems for effective functioning and ensuring implementation of established systems.
Dr.AVS Prasad, Pro-Vice Chancellor

Dr. A.V.S.Prasad, M.Eand Ph.D from JNTU, Hyderabad is a professor in Civil Engineering. He has a rich experience of 33 years in academics which includes 26 years in administration at various cadres ranging from Head of Department, Dean, Principal, Director and Pro-Vice Chancellor. Dr. Prasad has served as Director of Audisankara group of institutions and Narayana Group of Institutions for 18 years and was instrumental in getting these institutions accredited by NAAC,NBA, Autonomous and gained many laurels from the State Government, JNTU etc. He has served as Pro-Vice Chancellor of K.L. University for 3 years.
Dr. Prasad has extensive knowledge of administrative system, maintaining statutory norms of bodies like AICTE, UGC etc and has a good understanding of NBA,NAAC procedures and norms. He has to his credit many papers published in indexed journals. He has experience in organizing various National Level Events, Workshops and Conferences. He served as Member, Chairman of Board of Studies at JNTU(A), KLCE(Autonomous) and K.L. University. Above all he is soft spoken, congenial and an effective team worker and team leader.
Dr. K. Rajasekhara Rao, Pro-Vice Chancellor

Dr. Kurra Rajasekhara Rao, Pro-Vice Chancellor is a professor of Computer Science and Engineering (C.S.E.) having more than 35 years of teaching and research as well as administrative experience. His current research interests include topics related to Embedded Systems, Software Engineering, Software Testing, Data Sciences, Image Processing and Knowledge Management. He has authored a book and has more than 240 research publications in various International/National Journals and Conferences. Dr. KRR is a recognized as ‘Research Guide’ in many reputed universities and 32 doctorates were awarded under his guidance till now.
Prior to this, he discharged duties in various organizations, as a Director, Usha Rama College of Engineering & Technology (Autonomous), Telaprolu, A.P, Director, Sri Prakash College of Engineering (SPCE), Tuni and as a faculty member in various positions in KLCE/K.L.University, Andhra Pradesh for over 20 years. He contributed as a Member in Board of Studies for CSE & IT, at various prestigious institutions like Acharya Nagarjuna University, Krishna University, Sree Vidyaniketan Engineering College, Tirupathi and Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla. He extended his services to K.L. University as Member in Board of Management, Dean’s Council, Academic Council, Standing Committee, Research Board & Board of Studies [CSE].
Dr. KRR has been the Editor-in-Chief of an International Journal of Systems & Technologies (IJST), a renowned International Journal for 4 years. He is a Fellow of IETE, APAS. Life Member of IE, ISTE, ISCA and CSI. He served as president of ICT (Including Computer Science) for 109th Annual Convocation of Indian Science Congress Association. He has been the Chairman of the Vijayawada Chapter and Koneru Chapter of CSI and served the CSI as the State Student Coordinator of Andhra Pradesh for a span of 4 years.
Dr. KRR’ s outstanding contributions have been honoured by various organizations. He received the "Patron Award" from Computer Society of India (CSI), India’s prestigious professional society in the years 2011 (Ahemadabad) and 2020 (Bhuvaneswar). Recognising his administrative capabilities, Association of Scientists, Developers and Faculties (ASDF) through Puducherry CM honoured him with the "Best Dean" award in the year 2012. He was felicitated with the "Aacharya Ratna” from Indian Servers, IMPACT and Lions Club in the year 2019. Received “Bhishmacharya” Award in 2022 by Bharath Educational Excellence Awards. He got honoured as “Global Faculty” by AKS Education awards in 2023 and “Lifetime Achievement Award” by AIMER Society for the year 2024.